Looking back on 2011, there were a lot of great things that happened. I turned 21, which was pretty monumental. And for all of you who are still confused on this (again - thanks Thomas Fraser for changing my birthday on Facebook) my actual birthday is in February, not December. But something about being 21 just makes you feel a lot older, like you’re finally a real adult. I can’t believe that in less than 2 months from now I’ll be turning 22! It’s crazy how fast the time flies.
Another great thing about 2011 was spring break. Sheesh….if you’ve never heard the PCB SB 11’ story, feel free to ask me about it anytime! It’s sure to make you laugh. But long story short, I ended up not staying in Panama City but in Seagrove, FL with 6 girls who I love SO very much and had the week of my life with. It was so so fun!! Log – if you’re reading this right now, all I just have to say “Happy St. Patrisssss Day!”
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We survived PCB SB 11' - Happy St. Patrissss Day! |
The best 2011 memories for me though, were made in the months of May and June when I got to take my high school friends to a Young Life camp called Frontier Ranch in Colorado for a week. There are really no words to capture all that happened while we were there. Frontier holds a special place in my heart since it’s where my Young Life leader, Christine, took me when I was a junior in high school – the same age my girls at CAK are now - and I truly found Jesus for the first time. I had so much fun just being with my girls 24/7 at camp and really getting to know their hearts. The Lord worked in deep ways while we were at Frontier, and I know that He is still continuing to work in the lives of my high school friends. I’m really hoping they will all get to go back again this year, plus a few more.
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My partner in crime at camp. She's the best! Love you Britt. |
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Love love love. |
2011 was also wonderful because I got to see one of my best friends and roommates, Abby, get married to her best friend, Andy. If I’ve ever seen two people made for each other, it’s them. They fit together and love one another so well, and being a part of their special day was beautiful.
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Abby and Andy have been married OVER 1/2 a year now! Whoop whoop. |
Speaking of best friends, I’m so thankful I get to live with 4 of mine. I know I’ve said this before, but my roommates stinkin’ rock. Seriously, if you lived with them you’d see exactly what I mean. But lately I’ve just been so thankful for each one of them and have realized what a blessing it is to have such godly, amazing, and absolutely fantastic girls living in the same house as me and pouring into my life daily. God has been so faithful and evident through them and through the friendships he has blessed us with.
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Roomies for life. |
I’m sure there are lots of other things I’ll remember later that were great about this year and want to add to this list, but these were just a few that popped into my head this very minute.
And since it just happened, Christmas this year is worth mentioning since it was a really sweet time with family. We normally go to South Carolina for the holidays (to an itty bitty town called Blythewood where my mom’s entire side of the family lives and there are tons of relatives and it’s loud, and crazy, and fun) but we stayed in Knoxville this year, which is something I actually really loved doing. And while it was a really small, different type of Christmas (just my mom, dad, Aunt Carol, and me), it was exactly what I needed. This year, I don’t know how it happened, but instead of feeling most thankful on Thanksgiving, it happened to me on Christmas. Christmas day was a roller coaster of emotions for me (just ask Mom – I think I cried about 3 different times), and I don’t know how to explain what I was feeling, other than I was just so overwhelmed and thankful for everything in my life. The good and the bad. The expected and the unexpected. The what has been and what is yet to come. And just everything in between. This Christmas was the first time I think I truly embraced the fact that Jesus was born for ME, became human for ME, suffered for ME, dealt with all of this sin for ME, and died for ME. How undeserving I am of all that He’s done for me, yet He still chose to do it. How thankful I feel that He still loves me, even though I mess up time and time again.
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These are the ones I'm so thankful for a lot of the time. Love them to pieces. |
The past few days of 2011 have been reallllll nice. I’ve enjoyed spending them crafting, shopping, working (while I complain about work sometimes, I really do love it), and hanging out with sweet friends. The next to last night of this year couldn’t have been any better playing rummy, winning $40 from a dare, and playing a game of baby, backpack, bunkbed with only 6 people (Shout out to my b.b.b. crew: Lil’ Neezy, Bang Bang, GB, RobBob, and Texas.)
And the best part of 2012 beginning is that hopefully this time next week, I will be in my absolute favorite location in the entire world, Windy Gap, with my best friend, Delaney, taking our Young Life leader in high school’s girls to camp. What a privilege that will be. I absolutely CANNOT wait!! Also, I find out about Teach For America in two weeks!! Eeeek!!